As a Marketing Assistant, Abigail Hood works internally to boost company visibility by creating content for the web, social media, and digital advertising platforms. Her efforts are focused on developing materials that effectively promote the company across various digital channels. Abigail graduated from Texas A&M University with a BS in Communication Honors and a certificate in Leadership and Conflict Management.
What you may not know about me is
Visiting my family’s cabin in Colorado is my favorite thing to do in the summer! I love to sit in a rocking chair, read in the sun, and enjoy nature around me. A lot of my favorite childhood memories are in Colorado.
What I really like to do is
Go on walks, cook, and hang out with my husband, family, and friends. I also like to play pickleball, spend time outdoors, and watch movies!
My perfect day
Would be to have a slow morning, hang out with loved ones all day, and cook a new meal with my husband to enjoy in some sunny and 75-degree weather.